First and foremost is fun! Our experience has taught us that students who are engaged and having fun will learn and retain more. Students learn through exciting activities, song and dance, arts and craft, and imaginative play and role-playing.
Language Proficiency
Future years of education can only be built upon a solid foundation of language milestones; expressive language, listening and comprehension, and questioning and responding are all key aspects of this foundation. Students also acquire the fundamentals of the English language such as alphabet skills, pronunciation and intonation skills, and a thorough pool of vocabulary and knowledge connected to everyday themes that students use to communicate with.
Healthy Development
Having fun and learning English must be combined with healthy growth and development. Playing and learning with others, self-discovery and identity, and building physical, motor, and cognitive functions needed to live life are all key components to the Preschool Immersion Program.
The Preschool Immersion Program in a comprehensive course running 4 days a week from the hours of 9:30am to 1:30pm. Students are immersed in an exciting and active English environment where they build proficient language skills, social abilities, and train physical, motor, and cognitive functions. As a multifaceted program, students are ensured a comprehensive education while they grow and develop healthily.
Play. Learn. Grow.
Cognitive Process
With a long road of education right around the corner, students need to develop strong thinking skills. Mighty Acorns English will help introduce skills in numeracy, science, and problem solving while building a vast repertoire of information and knowledge.
Welcome to the Preschool Immersion Program.
- 9:20 am Arrival:
- unpack belongings and
- play freely with teacher and students
- 9:55 am Circle Time:
- Greetings and salutations,
- name tags and songs,
- weather activities and song,
- calendar time and counting fun
- 10:25 am Singing and Dancing
- 10:30 am Drink Break
- 10:35 am Morning Activities:
- thematic ideas and learning,
- movement and actions,
- and language development
- 10:55 am Alphabet Activities
- 11:05 am Story Time
- 11:15 am Bathroom Time and Lunch Preparation
- 11:30 am Lunch Time
- 12:15 pm Teethbrushing Time
- 12:25 pm Video Time
- 12:35 pm Singing and Dancing
- 12:45 pm Afternoon Activities:
- arts and crafts,
- outdoor discovery,
- and recreational development
- 1:05 pm Drink Break
- 1:15 pm Review the day's events
- 1:30 pm End of Class
- 9:20 am 登園:
- 自分の持ち物を自分で所定の場所へ
- 自由遊び
- 9:55 am サークルタイム:
- ごあいさつ
- 名札をもらってみんなで名前の歌🎵
- お天気をチェックしてお天気の歌🎵
- カレンダータイム
- 10:25 am 歌とダンス
- 10:30 am ティータイム
- 10:35 am 午前中のアクティビティ:
- その週のテーマにそって学びます
- 体を動かしたアクティビティ,
- 言葉の習得
- 10:55 am アルファベットのアクティビティ
- 11:05 am 絵本の読み聞かせ
- 11:15 am トイレタイムの後みんなでランチの準備
- 11:30 am ランチ
- 12:15 pm 歯磨きタイム
- 12:25 pm ビデオタイム
- 12:35 pm 歌とダンス
- 12:45 pm 午後のアクティビティ:
- 図画工作
- 外遊び
- レクリエーション
- 1:05 pm ティータイム
- 1:15 pm 今日の復習
- 1:30 pm お帰りの時間
Preschool Immersion Program Video

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Kindergarten Immersion Program
Want to learn more about Mighty Acorns English's Kindergarten Immersion Program? Click Below!