The decision of where and when a child should begin their education is not an easy one. We understand the importance of such a decision and would like to provide a few more answers to commonly asked questions. We would be more than happy to hear from you with any further questions you may have or to discuss the answers listed below in further detail.

How old does my child have to be to enter the Immersion Program?
How does the process work?
Does your program have any goals or targets?
Students can enrol in either Preschool 1 or Preschool 2. Upon graduation they will be eligible for International Elementary School or able to join the Japanese Elementary School System and maintain their abilities in English through a Graduate Program offered outside regular school hours.
Yes. Well-thought out goals and extensive target areas guide each level of the Immersion Program. Students graduate as happy, healthy children with listening, reading, writing, and speaking abilities in the English language. Please contact us for further details and specifications.
Yes. Throughout our years of experience, we have only seen graduates of similar programs succeed in their years in Japanese Elementary School. Support from parents is required by creating a vibrant and communicative Japanese environment at home. We would love to discuss this answer in more detail with you!
I plan on enroling my child in Japanese Elementary School after graduating from the Mighty Acorns Immersion Program. Will they be alright going into Elementary School with no formal Japanese education?
By no means do all curriculums match all students; a curriculum designed by Canadian educators may be ideal for children in Canada but it is not always the best route for children here in Japan. Our curriculum was designed, tried, tested, and fine-tuned by teaching Japanese children here in Japan in a full English environment.
I'm interested in my child learning English but will they get enough physical exercise?
Yes. The importance of physical exercise for children is taken very seriously at Mighty Acorns English. Physical movement is used in almost every learning exercise in the class through dance and role-playing. Outings to our local park are regular occurrences where students are able to have fun training physical functions like flexibility, strength, and endurance.
I'm worried about my child not being able to communicate in Japanese if they really have to...
All immersion classes have both a native English teacher with a Japanese teacher who speaks English. If a child needs to communicate something in Japanese they can do so off to the side with the Japanese teacher.
I'm interested in the Immersion Program but would only like to enrol my child for the Preschool Program, not the Kindergarten Program...
Although this is possible we highly recommend the full 4 year program. We would love the opportunity to discuss this answer with you further.
Does Mighty Acorns English provide Lunch Service or After School Care Service?
Yes, we are pleased to offer both of these services for our Immersion Program students and parents. Currently, lunch service is offered up to 4 days a week. Morning, afternoon care until 3pm, and emergency afternoon care are all currently available. Please contact us for further details!
イマージョンプログラムは、外国人講師と、日本人講師の2人担任制です。英語のみで過ごす事が基本ですが、プリスクールイマージョンプログラムでは、当然始めたばかりで自分の言いたい事を英語でシェアしたり、または上手く理解できない場面も出てきます。 二人の講師が子供達の様子を常に見守っていますので、ここは日本語のフォローが必要だなと判断した場合は、必要に応じて一度クラスから離れて個別に日本人講師が日本語で対応しています。また特別なケース、例えば避難訓練のように子供達にきちんと理解してほしい事、場面では英語の説明の後に必ず日本語の説明をしています。

What kind of curriculum is used for the Mighty Acorns English Immersion Program?
Students can enrol in Preschool 1 when they will be turning 3 years old over the course of the upcoming school year. Students can enter Preschool 2 when they will be turning 4 years old over the course of the upcoming school year. It is important to note that only students who have completed their year in Preschool 2 or have sufficient experience and background with the English language may enrol in the Kindergarten Program.